22. A Study of Hygienic Practices in Secondary Level Students of the Quetta City
Seemal Vehra1, Ejaz Mahmood Ahmad Qureshi2 and Razia Hussain2
Objective: To investigate the standards of personal hygiene in secondary level students.
Study Design: Observational / descriptive / cross sectional study
Place and duration of study: This study was conducted at Government Sardar Essa Khan Girls High School, Quetta from July 2014 to December 2014.
Materials and Methods: The study was conducted on grade 7th & 8th students of Government Girls High School Quetta with the help of questionnaire. Health status of students was also examined by performing physical examination.
Results: Amongst the target population 40.31% students were 11 to 13 years old, 57.65% were 13-16 years old while 2.04% students belonged to the 16.1 to 19 age group. Parents of the majority of the participants were literate. Family income of 52.65% students was above Rs. 15000/month. All the students had closed sewage system and community water supply in their houses. More than 80% of students were found neat, clean and healthy according to the criteria of health score designed for this study.
Conclusion: This study indicates satisfactory personal hygienic conditions amongst target students but still there was a room for improvement. However, awareness campaigns should be conducted in schools to increase understanding about good hygiene practices.
Key Words: Hygiene Practices, Personal Hygiene, Hand Washing, Oral Hygiene, Sanitation
Citation of article: Vehra S, Qureshi EMA, Hussain R. A Study of Hygienic Practices in Secondary Level Students of the Quetta City. Med Forum 2016;27(10):85-88.