21. Hepatotoxicity with Low Dose Methotrexate in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients
Muhammad Abbas, Sajjad Ali and Amir Khan
Objective: To find out the frequency of Methotrexate induced hepatotoxicity in rheumatoid arthritis patients treated for six months with low dose, 7.5 mg of Methotrexate once weekly. Study Design: Descriptive / cross sectional study.
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Medical Units of Mardan Medical Complex, Mardan from January 2015 to December 2016.
Materials and Methods: Study included 186 diagnosed adult patients of rheumatoid arthritis. They were treated with 7.5 mg Methotrexate per week and were followed up for 6 months with regularly monthly Liver function test (L.F.T’s).
Results: Out of 186 diagnosed cases of RA, 39 (24.3%) were males and 147 (75.7%) were females. Age range was from 21years to 68 years with mean age of 38.06 years. Mean Alt was 45.34, mean billirubin was 0.93, mean Alkaline phosphatase was 23.90, mean hemoglobin was 12.63 while mean weight was 67.79 kg. Serum A.L.T was raised in 17 (9.1%) patients while it was normal in 169 (90.9%) patients. Hepatotoxicity was defined as serum A.L.T of more than two times of upper limit of reference range.
Conclusion: Hepatotoxicity is a common side effect of methotrexate therapy and regular monitoring with serum alanine transaminase of these patients is required for early recognition and treatment. Key Words: Methoraxate. Hepatotoxicity. rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
Citation of article: Abbas M, Ali S, Khan A. Hepatotoxicity with Low Dose Methotrexate in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients. Med Forum 2017;28(11):85-88.