21. Frequency of Thrombocytopenia in Septic Neonates
Rana Mubarik Ali1, Waseem Asghar1, Humayun Amjad2and Aamir Furqan3
Objectives:To find the frequency of Thrombocytopenia in Septic Neonates.
Study Design:Observational / Descriptive study
Place and Duration of Study:This study was conducted at the Department of Pediatrics, Nishtar hospital, Multan from December 2015 to December 2016.
Materials and Methods:A total number of two hundred and twelve (n=212) enrolled in the study. Data was analyzed with statistical software SPSS version 21.1. Mean ± SD were calculated for quantitative data and frequencies (percentages) were calculated for qualitative data. Chi square test and logistic regression was applied to see association between thrombocytopenia and septicemia. SPSS software was used to analyze the data and p value ≤ 0.05 was considered as significant.
Results: A total number of 100% (n=212) neonates were included in this study, either genders. Gender distribution showed that there were more males i.e., 61.8% (n=131) and 38.2% (n=81) were females. The mean age of the patients was 11.80 days with S.D 6.37. The main outcome variable of this study was thrombocytopenia. Out of 100% (n=212) patients, all were sepsis patients, in our study, it was observed that 86.3% (n=183) patients have thrombocytopenia.
Conclusions:we concluded that thrombocytopenia is a major and early predictor of sepsis but not sufficient for the diagnosis of septicemia, so other parameters must be ruled out. Key Words:Thrombocytopenia, Septicemia, Neonates, Blood.
Citation of article:Ali RM, Asghar W, Amjad H, Furqan A.Frequency of Thrombocytopenia in Septic
Neonates.Med Forum 2017;28(5):85-88.