21. Frequency of Anemia in Patients Visiting a Tertiary Care Hospital in Multan, Pakistan
Nabeela Saher, Raheela Shaheen and Sumaira Saleem
Objective: To identify the frequency of anemia among the patients who visited the Medical Outdoor and Indoor of a Nishter Medical College and Hospital, Multan.
Study Design: Observational / descriptive / cross sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Medical Outdoor and Indoor of a Nishter Medical College and Hospital, Multan from May to June 2015
Materials and Methods: All non-pregnant women, all female patients with Hb ≤ 10gm / dl and the children up to 14 years of age were included. All children above 14 years of age, all pregnant women, and patients with history of surgery within two months, and blood transfusions within two months before admission were excluded. The non probability convenient sampling technique was used. Total 120 anemic patients were included in our study, Out of which 84 were females and 36 were children.
Results: The Mean ± SD of Hb in female was 11.15 ± 2.10 and in children 12.25 ± 2.75 respectively. Total 120 anemic patients were included in our study, Out of which 84 were females and 36 were children. The 47 (56%), 20(23%), and 17(21%) females were suffering from mild, moderate and severe form of anemia respectively. The 23(65%), 9(24%), and 4(11%) children were suffering from mild, moderate and severe form of anemia respectively. Conclusion: The frequency of anemia in patients visiting a tertiary care hospital Multan is high. The frequency of anemia is higher in female patients as compared with children even in the case of pregnant women and patients with a history of surgery within two months were excluded. Key Words: Hemoglobin; Anemia; Children.
Citation of article: Saher N, Shaheen R, Saleem S. Frequency of Anemia in Patients Visiting a Tertiary Care Hospital in Multan, Pakistan. Med Forum 2017;28(6):81-83.