20. Prevalence of Anemia Among Women of Reproductive Age Presenting at Teaching Hospital Gujrat
Zahid Azam Chaudry1, Ammara Khan2 and Nawal Moeen1
Objective: To resolve the prevelance of anemia with associated factors in women of childbearing age of Gujrat.
Study Design: Cross sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Government Aziz Bhatti Shaheed Teaching Hospital (ABSTH), Gujrat from March 2018 to August 2018.
Materials and Methods: 150 women of 16-50 years of age. Sampling Technique: Random Sampling. Women presenting at OPD of Medicine & Gynecology Department of ABSTH, Gujrat were questioned via a structured questionnaire to determine associated factors after taking informed consent. Laboratory report of blood tested for Hemoglobin (Hb) within last 3 months were recorded, if not they were tested for Hb from Pathology Department of Teaching Hospital. Analysis: Microsoft Excel.
Results: In childbearing age (16-50 years) of women anemia was found to be 56%, which meant that 84 of the 150 women suffered from anemia. 26% of the anemic women had severe anemia, while 41% had moderate anemia. The highest prevalence of anemia was among women of 30-43 years age group. Most of the women who were suffering from anemia had unsatisfactory dietary habits and poor socioeconomic status.
Conclusion: Anemia is higly prevalent in reproductive age group women of Gujrat, Pakistan presenting at public sector hospitals. Associated with lower socio-economic status, poor dietary intake and lack of both education & health education.
Key Words: Iron Deficiency, Socioeconomic status, Anemia, Reproductive Age, Dietary Habbits
Citation of articles: Chaudry ZA, Khan A, Moeen N. Prevalence of Anemia Among Women of Reproductive Age Presenting at Teaching Hospital Gujrat. Med Forum 2019;30(5):77-80.