20. Frequency of Graves Disease in Hyperthyroid Patients and its Associated Comorbidities
Syed Masood Hussain1, Mubashir Shaikh1, Muhammad Siddique Rajput2, Muhammad Akbar3, Abrar Ahmed Qaim Khani4 and Jawaria Salman5
Objective: To find out frequency of Grave’s disease in hyperthyroid patients and to measure the associated comorbidities in hyperthyroid patients.
Study Design: Descriptive Cross-Sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Out Patient Department (OPD) of National Institute of Diabetes & Endocrinology (NIDE), Dow International Medical College Hospital (DIMC), and Medical Wards of Civil Hospital Karachi (CHK) from Jan to June 2022.
Materials and Methods: Diagnosed Hyperthyroid Patients were selected and age ranging from 20 to 60 years for study purpose. Non probability convenience sampling was used and sample size was 100. Data was analyzed by using SPSS version 24.
Results: According to this study data mean age of the participants was 36.92 ± 7.47. Out of 100 participants who were diagnosed hyperthyroid patients, 43% were further diagnosed having Graves’ disease. Graves’ disease is 3 to 4 times high in females (74%) compared to males. Cardiovascular diseases (42%) are commonest comorbidities associated with hyperthyroidism.
Conclusion: This study concluded that Graves’ disease is the more common cause of hyperthyroidism females are affected four times higher than male with Grave’s disease in their 3rd to 5th decades of life in our public health care system. Comorbidities are very common in hyperthyroidism because of involvement of multiple organs and worsen the prognosis of the disease hence increase mortality.
Key Words: Graves, Disease, Hyperthyroid Patients, Associated Comorbidities
Citation of article: Hussain SM, Shaikh M, Rajput MS, Akbar M, Khani AAQ, Salman J. Frequency of Graves Disease in Hyperthyroid Patients and its Associated Comorbidities. Med Forum 2022;33(8):88-92.