20. Attenuation of Insulin Induced Airway Hyper-Responsiveness with Anti- Inflammatory Drugs in Guinea Pig Airways
Mahjabeen Sharif1, Bushra Tayyaba Khan1 and Muhammad Asim Anwar2
Objective: Inhalational insulin was withdrawn from market because it enhances airway reactivity in human beings. So the present study was designed to observe the acute effects of insulin on airway reactivity of guinea pigs and to explore the inhibitory effects of sodium cromoglycate, beclomethasone and montelukast against insulin induced airway hyper-reactivity on isolated tracheal smooth muscle of guinea pig in vitro. Study Design: The quasi experimental study.
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Pharmacology Department, Army Medical College Rawalpindi from February 2012 to October 2012.
Materials and Methods: Effects of variable doses of insulin (10-7- 10-3 M) and insulin pretreated with fixed dose of sodium cromoglycate (10-6 M), beclomethasone (10-6 M) and montelukast (10-5 M) were studied on isolated tracheal tissue of guinea pig by constructing cumulative dose response curves. Transducer and Four Channel Oscillograph were used to record the changes in resting tension of guinea pig airways.
Results: Beclomethasone attenuated the contractile response of insulin greater than sodium cromoglycate and montelukast.
Conclusions: Beclomethasone was more efficacious than sodium cromoglycate and montelukast in amelioration of insulin induced tracheal tissue contraction. So we infer that pretreatment of inhaled insulin with beclomethasone may be preferred over sodium cromoglycate and montelukast in reducing its airway hyper-responsiveness. Key Words: Inhaled insulin, beclomethasone, sodium cromoglycate, montelukast, oscillograph.
Citation of article: Sharif M, Khan BT, Anwar MA. Attenuation of Insulin Induced Airway Hyper-Responsiveness with Anti-Inflammatory Drugs in Guinea Pig Airways. Med Forum 2017;28(11):81-84.