2. Quantification of Extended Spectrum β-Lactamase Producing Isolates among Gram Negative Bacteria in Hospitalized Patients with Blood Stream Infections
Muhammad Usman Anjum1, Anjum Saeed1, Surriya Yasmin2 and Nazia Shams1
Objective: To quantify ESBL producing microorganisms among hospitalized patients with blood stream infections,
Study Design: Descriptive study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Pathology, Frontier Medical College, Abbottabad from Jan 2016 to Dec 2016.
Materials and Methods: Bacterial isolates were recognized based on colony morphology and biochemical characteristics. Modified Kirby-Bauer method using Mueller Hinton agar was used to check for antibiotic sensitivity. ESBL producers were identified using double disc synergy test.
Results: Overall 152 samples yielded a growth of gram negative bacteria. Out of these 152 positive samples, 80% comprised of E. coli while 12% were K. pneumoniae, 05% were P. aeruginosa and 03% were P. mirabilus. The prevalence of ESBL producing bacteria was low, 1.97%. Most of them were observed in male patients as compared to female patients. Likewise, their incidence was similar among different age groups but there was no ESBL producing organism observed in patients who were less than 20 years of age. As per the site of involvement, ESBL producing bacteria were most commonly seen in specimens received from ICU followed by medical ward.
Conclusion: Infections caused by ESBL producing microorganisms are not uncommon in clinical practice. Detection of such bacteria is pivotal in both community and hospital acquired infections as rapid identification and characterization of such resistant bacteria will aid in minimizing the spread of these infections as well as in selecting appropriate antimicrobial therapy.
Key Words: ESBL, gram negative
Citation of articles: Anjum MU, Saeed A, Yasmin S, Shams N. Quantification of Extended Spectrum β-Lactamase Producing Isolates among Gram Negative Bacteria in Hospitalized Patients with Blood Stream Infections. Med Forum 2018;29(8):7-10.