1.The Psychometric Appraisal of Arabic Interprofessional Attitudes Scale
Ali Qassim Darraj
Objective: To translate and validate the Interprofessional Facilitation Scale (IPFS) into Arabic for assessing competencies, in particular in the context involving simulations under health professionals.
Study Design: Cross-sectional survey study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Medicine, Colleges of Medicine, Shaqra University (SU), in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, during the academic year from March 2020 to June 2022.
Materials and Methods: It includes prospective health professionals for measuring the interprofessional attitudes by using a predesigned questionnaire. The IPFS-Arabic edition was created in part using the standards for questionnaire cross-cultural adaptation. The survey had demographic questions as well as 19 expanded RIPLS items and the interprofessional attitude scale (IPAS). The interprofessional simulation trainings' data were used to validate them. The content validity of the scale was deemed appropriate by experts and observers. The sample's demographic characteristics were described using means, standard deviations, and percentages of descriptive statistics. Bartlett's test and the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin test were applied for assessing the assumptions about matrix identity and sample sufficiency. Cronbach's alpha was used to measure internal consistency.
Results: Out of 72 participants predominantly 97.2% were male with age 22-24 years 76.4%. Most of the participants from nursing science 37.5% followed by medicine, pharmacy, physical therapy and clinical laboratory science, 33.3%, 15.3%, 8.3% and 5.6% respectively filled questionnaire with 100% response rate. The significance of the Bartlett's test of sphericity of each scale employed in this study with p=0.000. The overall IPAS Cronbach’s alpha of items was .88, which indicates a high level of internal consistency.
Conclusion: This study offers proof that trainers' facilitation skills may be evaluated using the IPFS-Arabic during an IPE simulation. It can also assist in furthering the development of those abilities in support of feedback.
Key Words: Interprofessional Facilitation Scale, Arabic Interprofessional Attitudes Scales, Translation, Cultural Adaptation
Citation of article: Darraj AQ. The Psychometric Appraisal of Arabic Interprofessional Attitudes Scale. Med Forum 2023;34(3):2-7.