19.Frequency of Grief Among Women Presenting with Perinatal Loss in Previous Pregnancy and Now Coming For Antenatal Check in First Trimester
Sadia Aman1, Bushra Haq1, Saira Riaz1, Ammara Gill1, Wajid Ali2 and Tabeer Malik3
Objective: To find the frequency of grief among pregnant women in first trimester who experienced perinatal loss in previous pregnancy.
Study Design: Descriptive Cross sectional Study.
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Services Hospital Lahore from November 2020 to October 2021.
Materials and Methods: 18-40 years of age pregnant women with gestational age < 12 weeks with history of perinatal loss in previous pregnancy were included in the study group. Pregnant women with any diagnosed psychological illness or those not willing to participate were excluded from the study. Females were questioned whether they were feeling guilt or anger for their loss or if they felt nothing about the perinatal loss. HADS score( Hospital Anxiety and Depression Score) was noted. All the collected data was entered and analysed on SPSS version 21.
Results: In our study the mean age was 29.29 ± 6.57 years, the pregnancy loss was noted in 94 (47%) patients and neonatal death was noted in 106 (53%) patients. The grief was found in 147 (73.5 %) patients.
Conclusion: Frequency of grief among women having perinatal loss in previous pregnancy was 53.2% when they presented for antenatal check up in first trimester in new pregnancy.
Key Words: Grief, Pregnancy loss, Neonatal death, Trimester
Citation of article: Aman S, Haq B, Riaz S, Gill A, Ali W, Malik T. Frequency of Grief Among Women Presenting with Perinatal Loss in Previous Pregnancy and Now Coming For Antenatal Check in First Trimester. Med Forum 2022;33(5):81-84.