19.Correlation Between Occupation and Azoospermia among Industrial Workers in District Faisalabad, Pakistan
M Adeel Alam Shah1, Laraib Imdad1, Sajjad Ghani2, Farhat Humayun1, Quddus Ur Rehman1 and Saira Mushtaq2
Objective: The main focus of study was to check the incidence of Azoospermia among these workers for any correlation with their occupation.
Study Design: A cross-sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the AS&RB of Khyber Medical University, Peshawar and Khyber Medical College, Peshawar from start of January to the end of June in year 2019.
Materials and Methods: After informed consent, semen samples were taken from married men who visited fertility clinics and laboratories for semen analysis. A questionnaire was made to input their data regarding their duration of their job, personal history and other medical condition. Semen analysis was performed by using computer assisted technique. Sample with zero sperm count was noted and presented in statistical analysis.
Results: Total 360 males were included in this study after applying exclusion criteria. These were evenly divided into three groups according to their occupation. From 360 samples, 51 were having zero sperm count, in which 11 were farmers (9.2%), 19 were textile industry workers (15.8%) and 21 belongs to oven workers (17.5%).
Conclusion: From result section it is concluded that incidence of Azoospermia was highest among oven workers followed by textile industry workers and farmers.
Key Words: Azoospermia, low sperm count, male infertility, semen analysis
Citation of article: Shah MAA, Imdad L, Ghani S, Humayun F, Rehman Q, Mushtaq S. Correlation between Occupation and Azoospermia Among Industrial Workers in District Faisalabad, Pakistan. Med Forum 2022;33(1):81-83.