19. Factors Leading to Perineal Tear During Vaginal Delivery
Zubia Bugti, Naila Ahsan, Rohana Salam, Sakina Naeem and Marium Shoaib
Objective: To determine factors leading to perineal during vaginal delivery presenting sandeman provincial Quetta
Study Design: Cross Sectional Study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Sandeman Provincial Hospital/BMC, Quetta for six months.10thJanuary 2019to 10thJune2019.
Materials and Methods: A Total number 95papatients were selected for study. All participants were given information about and an informed consent was taken from the participants. On arrival of the patient in the labour room, a detailed history menstrual periods, co-morbid like Diabetes Melitis hipper tension was under taken. Labour was managed according standard protocol Instrumental delivered and episiotomies where performed where needed. Once the third stage of will be over, vulva, vagina and cervix were examined for any tears and managed accordingly. Presence of perineal to degree was noted. Patients were managed conservatively or surgically.
Results: Ninety five patients fulfilling the inclusion criteria were included in this study. The means ± standard deviation age of study population was 23.56±6.622years Mean gestational age was 36.67±2.271 weeks. On analysis of demographics data, it was observed 57(60%) were below 30 years of age &38(40%) were age 30years and above.86(71.58%) were none multifarious and 27(28.42%) were multifarious.45(47.37%) patients were of gestational age less than 36weeks. 56 (58.95&) had degree of tear less than 3.56(58.9%) were managed conservatively. 68(71.6%) were primigravida 20(21.1%) had high birth weight baby, 30(31.6%)spontaneous vaginal delivery, 47(49.5%)had forceps delivery, 40.(42.1%) had increased gestational age.
Conclusion: Primigravida, Forceps delivery and increased gestational age common factors predisposing perianal tear.
Key Words: perianal tear, Forceps, Gestation Age, High birth weight.
Citation of article: Bugti Z, Ahsan N, Salam R, Naeem S, Shoaib M. Factors Leading to Perineal Tear during Vaginal Delivery. Med Forum 2019;30(11):73-75.