19. Efficacy of Cefixime in the Treatment of Uncomplicated Typhoid
1. Shakeel Ahmad 2. Mukhtiar Ahmad 3. Nusrat Hussain 4. Tayyaba Rafique Khan
1. Asstt. Prof. of Pediatrics, DGK Medical College, Dera Ghazi Khan 2. Assoc. Prof. of Pediatrics, DGK Medical College, Dera Ghazi Khan 3. Senior Registrar of Pediatrics, Nishtar Hospital Multan
4. PG Trainee, Nishtar Hospital Multan.
Objective: To determine the efficacy of cefixime in the treatment of uncomplicated typhoid fever in children.
Study Design: It was a descriptive case series.
Place and Duration of Study: this study was carried out at the Department of Pediatrics, Teaching Hospital D.G Khan Medical College from April 2013 to September 2013.
Materials and Methods: A total of 110 cases fulfilling the inclusion/exclusion criteria were enrolled in the study.
Results: In this study 8.78±3.87 years was the commonest age, 68(61.82%) male cases and 42(38.18%) female cases, efficacy of cefixime in the treatment of typhoid fever in children was calculated and in 96(87.27%) cases, efficacy was recorded while only 14(12.73%) cases could not treated effectively. The results of the study reveal that cefixime is safe and effective drug for the treatment of typhoid fever in children.
Conclusion: The results of the study reveal that cefixime is safe and effective drug for the treatment of typhoid
fever in children.
Key Words: Typhoid Fever, Cefixime, Children