18. Management of Severe Postpartum Haemorrhage with Bilateral Ligation of Internal Iliac Artery in Secondary Care and Tertiary Care Hospital; 4.5 Years Experience
Shazia Saeed1, Ashfaq Ahmad2 and Zadad Khan3
Objective: Is to describe effectiveness of bilateral ligation of internal iliac artery in severe PPH with benefit of preserving fertility.
Study Design: Prospective case series study.
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at DHQ Hospital Bagh and C.M.H, Muzaffarabad Azad Kashmir from September 2008 to November 2013.
Materials and Methods: In fifty one patient bilateral ligation of internal iliac artery was done to control severe PPH after failure of conventional therapy (medical and other surgical measure bilateral uterine artery ligation and B lynchstich).
Results: Among those 50 patients the success rate was 88% and incidence of h sterectomy was 12%.
Conclusion: This procedure is successful in controlling haemorrhage preserving fertility with less morbidity.
Key Words: Postpartum hemorrhage, Bilateral ligation of internal iliac artery, At ny, Hysterectomy.
Citation of article: Saeed S, Ahmad A, Khan Z. Management f Severe Postpartum Haemorrhage with Bilateral Ligation of Internal Iliac Artery in Secondary are and Tertiary Care Hospital; 4.5 Years Experience. Med Forum 2016;27(12):74-76.