18. Correlation of C Reactive Protein Elevation with Hypertension in Tertiary Care Hospital
Muhammad Iqbal, Suhail Ahmed Almani and Shafak Nazia
Objective: To determine the correlation between serum CRP levels and high blood pressure in hypertensive patients.
Study Design: Observational / descriptive study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Medicine OPD of LUMHS, Jamshoro from May 2016 to November 2016.
Materials and Methods: This study was conducted on 101. All the hypertensive patients were incorporated, after taking informed consent while, smokers, diabetics, patients having any infection, and any other co morbidity were excluded from the study to avoid bias in the results. Blood samples were taken for assessment of C reactive protein. Information was gathered on self-made proforma.
Results: Mean age of the participants was 41+2.03 years. Majority of the cases 60(59.40%) were noted with age group of >40 years. 55(54.77%) patients were male while 14(13.86%) were female. Mean SBP was 146.66+18.99 mm Hg, mean diastolic blood pressure was 96.50+10.59 mm Hg and mean CRP was 0.8+0.10 mg/dL.65.35% patients had elevated C reactive protein. Positive correlation was found between CRP andSBP R-value 0.36 and also positive correlation was noted between CRP and DBP r=value 0.38.
Conclusion: CRP elevation was positively correlated with hypertension, but not strongly correlated. Key Words C reactive protein, hypertension, Co-relation
Citation of article: Iqbal M, Almani SA, Nazia S. Correlation of C Reactive Protein Elevation with Hypertension in Tertiary Care Hospital. Med Forum 2017;28(2):68-70.