17. Assessment of Prevalence and Haematological Parameters of Colorectal Cancer Patients at a Tertiary Care Hospital, Al Ahsa, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ashok Kumar1 and Abdul Latif Al Arifi2
Objective: To assess the prevalence and haematological parameters of colorectal cancer (CRC) patients at King Fahd Hospital (KFH) Al Ahsa, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA).
Study Design: Observational / analytic study.
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at King Fahd Hospital (KFH), Al Ahsa, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) from January 2015 to December 2015.
Materials and Methods: The study was conducted among cancer patients, visited KFH, Al Ahsa. Total 200 cancer patients, consisting of 110 males and 90 females of age 46-80 years, were included. The medical records of the patients, suffering from various cancers, i.e., colorectal, breast, lung, blood and thyroid, etc., were retrieved from KFH, and the patients who were diagnosed to have CRC were assessed for the prevalence & the haematological parameters. The data were analysed using SPSS 16.
Results: Prevalence of CRC: Among total 200 cancer patients, 49 (24.5%) males of age 46 – 80 (median 63) years, and 13 (6.5%) females of age 48 – 72 (median 60) years were found to have CRC.
Hematological parameters of CRC patients: In both genders, majority (~80%) of the patients had Hb level ~10g/dl. The type of anaemia was iron deficiency anaemia. The ESR was found to be raised (~45mm/hour) in both genders. The WBC and platelet counts were in normal range.
Conclusion: We found significant prevalence (31%) of CRC among various cancer patients. Two haematological parameters, i.e., Hb and ESR were significantly disturbed in these CRC patients. The Hb and ESR parameters are inexpensive investigations, which are very important indicative of CRC disease and its prognosis. Key Words: Colorectal cancer, prevalence, haematological parameters, anaemia
Citation of article: Kumar A, Al Arifi AL. Assessment of Prevalence and Haematological Parameters of
Colorectal Cancer Patients at a Tertiary Care Hospital, Al Ahsa, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Med Forum