16. Comparison of Postoperative Outcomes of Open Versus Closed Hemorroidectomy at Tertiary Care Hospital
Abdul Hakeem Jamali, Mashooq Ali Khowaja, Inayat Ali Zardari, Zulfqar Ali Imtiaz Memon, Altaf Hussain Ghumro and Imtiaz Ali Soomro
Objective: The objective of our study is to comparethe outcome of open hemorrhoidectomy with or without lateral internal sphincterotomy with regard to postoperative complications
Study Design: Comparative study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Surgical Department PMCH Nawabshah f rom January 2018 to January 2019.
Materials and Methods: All the patients were admitted through surgical OPD. Digital rectal examination along with proctoscopy was done to rule out other surgical ano-rectal pathologies. All the required investigations were done and open hemorroidectomy was done.
Results: This study was conducted on 100 patients. They were divided into two groups. Group A included 50(50%) patients and Group B included 50 (50%). Group A underwent only open hemorroidectomy without LIS whereas Group B underwent LIS apart from open Hemorrhoidectomy. Postoperative pain was seen in 20% of patients in Group A whereas it was only 10% in Group B. less hospital stay and early return to work was found in Group B patients.
Conclusion: It is concluded that the open hemorrhoidectomy with LIS is the better option as compared to without LIS keeping in view the outcome of both procedures.
Key Words: Proctoscopy, Open Hemorrhoidectomy, Postoperative Pain, Ano-Rectal
Citation of articles: Jamali AH, Khowaja MA, Zardari IA, Memon ZAI, Ghumro AH, Soomro IA. Comparison of Postoperative Outcomes of Open Versus Closed Hemorroidectomy at Tertiary Care Hospital. Med Forum 2019;30(5):63-65.