16. Comparative Study of Hematological Parameters of Untreated Leprosy Cases and Control
Ghulam Serwar Shaikh1, Zafar Ali Pirzado3, Ali Gul Tunio2 and Viqar Sultana4
Objective: To evaluate the Hemoglobin, Total Leukocyte Count, Differential Leukocyte Count, Platelets, RBC Count in leprosy patients.
Study Design: A case control study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Biochemistry, University of Karachi from March 2015 to April 2017.
Materials and Methods: A total of 110 newly diagnosed untreated leprosy patients 79 male, 31 female were taken from Marie Adelaide Leprosy Centre, Karachi. Clinical and bacterial based skin smear test for diagnostic purpose performed, 76 control samples 55 male, 21 female were taken from general population for comparison.
Results: Table 1.demonstrate that all fractions of complete blood count (CBC) were non- significant (p>0.05) except hemoglobin and RBC, which were decreased significantly high (p<0.001) and (p<0.004) in untreated leprosy cases when compared with control group.
Conclusion: In this study hemoglobin and RBC’s count were found decreased in untreated leprosy cases may be due to poor diet and inadequate nutrient intake.
Key Words: Leprosy, Total Leukocyte Count, Differential Leukocyte Count, Red Blood Cells.
Citation of articles: Shaikh GS, Pirzado ZA, Tunio AG, Sultana V. Comparative Study of Hematological Parameters of Untreated Leprosy Cases and Control. Med Forum 2018;29(10):65-67.