14.Frequencies of Different Measles Complications in Children Presenting at a Tertiary Care Hospital, Larkana
Shanti Lal Bhojwani1, Nizamuddin Soomro1, Fayaz Ahmed Shahani1, Vijia Kumar Gemnani2, Kaleemullah Abro2 and Suhail Aman Jokhio2
Objective: To assess the frequencies of measles complications among children presenting at Chandka Children's Hospital, Larkana.
Study Design: Cross-sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Pediatrics / Community Medicine, CMC (SMBBMU) Larkana from April 2022 to September 2022.
Materials and Methods: Patients with measles with different complications were selected from hospitalized OPD and indoor patients. A detailed history, physical examination, and different measles complications were recorded in a proforma. All selected patients' immunisation and nutritional status were evaluated. The data was analyzed using SPSS version 17 software.
Results: In the study, a total of 150 hospitalized measles-diagnosed patients were recorded; among them, 120 (80%) were selected as having measles’ complications according to selection criteria. The patients in the study had a mean age of 3.95 ± 0.211 years and were mostly male 72 (60%). Among 120 patients, 70(58.3%) were vaccinated, while 50(41.7%) were unvaccinated; additionally, 36(30%) cases were found well-nourished, 59(49.2%) were mild-to-moderately malnourished, and 25(20.8%) were severely malnourished. The most common complication among measles patients in the study was pneumonia in 72(60%), followed by encephalitis 22(18.3%), acute watery diarrhoea in 21 (17.5%), and otitis media 5(4.2%).
Conclusion: The common complications of measles are pneumonia, encephalitis, watery diarrhea, and otitis media, which are mostly observed in unvaccinated and malnourished children. Good nutrition and a proper schedule can help improve health and lower the risk of disease in all age groups.
Key Words: Frequencies, Measles, Different, Complications, Tertiary, Hospital.
Citation of article: Bhojwani SL, Soomro N, Shahani FA, Gemnani VK, Abro K, Jokhio SA. Frequencies of Different Measles Complications in Children Presenting at a Tertiary Care Hospital, Larkana. Med Forum 2023;34(4):54-57.