14. Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) Score as a Predictor of Outcome in Patients Admitted in a Medical ICU
1. Adil Faraz 2. Muhammad Tanveer Alam 3. Muhammad Hussain Haroon
1. Asstt. Prof. Medical ICU, 2. Assoc. Prof., Medical Unit II, 3. Asstt. Prof., Medical Unit II, Civil Hospital Karachi
Objective: To assess the efficacy of Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score (SOFA) as a determinant of outcome in critically ill medical patients.
Study Design: Prospective observational cohort study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at Medical ICU of Civil Hospital Karachi from June 2014 to December 2014.
Materials and Methods: The study was conducted on 152 patients admitted in the Medical ICU. The SOFA score
Results: The overall ICU mortality rate was 35.5 % (n=54). Patients with an initial SOFA score of ≤ 9 had a mortality rate of 28.9%, while patients with an initial SOFA score of ≥ 10 had a mortality rate of 88.2 %. The SOFA scores at 48 and 72 hours also showed significant association with mortality. The mortality rates of patients having a score of ≤9 at 48 and 72 hours were 25.6% and 20% respectively while the mortality rates of those with a score of when the score decreased and 23.3% when it did not change.
Conclusion: The serial evaluation of SOFA score proved to be a convenient and efficient tool to predict mortality in the critically ill ICU patients.
Key Words: SOFA score, ICU mortality, Outcome
Citation of article: Faraz A, Alam MT, Haroon MH. Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) Score as a Predictor of Outcome in Patients Admitted in a Medical ICU. Med Forum 2015;26(11):56-60.