14. Comparing the Hemodynamic Changes When Supraglottic Airway Devices Inserted with Propofol VS Sevoflurane During Short Surgical Procedures
Muhammad Zuhaib, Munir Ahmad, Hammad Rafiq and Aamir Furqan
Objective: To compare the hemodynamic changes when supraglottic airway devices are inserted with propofol versus sevoflurane during short surgical procedures.
Study Design: Our study is randomized controlled trial. Non-consecutive sampling technique was used to select a total of 54 patients.
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Anaesthesia, Nishtar Hospital, Multan from 15 March 2017 to 15 December 2017.
Materials and Methods: All the patients were randomly divided into two equal groups, one for propofol, Group-P and the other for sevoflurane, Group-S. Age, weight and height were documented. Electrocardiogram and noninvasive blood pressure monitors were used. After preparation, 2.5 mg/kg body weight of propofol was given to group-P, and a mixture of 8% sevoflurane in 8L/min flow rate of oxygen was used in Group-S. After evaluating the jaw relaxation, supraglottic airway devices were inserted. Pulse rate and mean arterial pressure were recorded before anesthesia, after inducing anesthesia, and at 0, 5 and 10 minutes after insertion of supraglottic device. Means were calculated and compared by applying the one way ANOVA, using SPSS v.23 software to analyze the data, considering p≤0.05 significant.
Results: In group-P and group-S, baseline pulse rate was 81.55±3.33/min and 89.48±4.34/min (p=0.000) at 5 minutes and 81.96±3.75/min and 85.00±3.11/min (p=0.002) at 10 minutes; and mean arterial pressure was 79.26±3.98 mmHg and 86.02±2.63 mmHg (p=0.000) at five minutes and 84.11±2.95 mmHg and 87.01±2.62 mmHg (p=0.000) at 10 minutes after insertion of supraglottic device, respectively. These differences were statistically significant in both groups.
Conclusion: It is concluded sevoflurane is a better agent as compared to propofol, in terms of stabilizing hemodynamics, for inducing anesthesia when supraglottic airway device is to be inserted. Key Words: Hemodynamics, Propofol, Sevoflurane, Supraglottic Devices, Mean Arterial Pressure
Citation of articles: Zuhaib M, Ahmad M, Rafiq H, Furqan A. Comparing the Hemodynamic Changes When
Supraglottic Airway Devices Inserted with Propofol VS Sevoflurane During Short Surgical Procedures. Med
Forum 2018;29(3):56-59.