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13. Use of Alcoholic Cautery in Ingrown Toenail
Imran Idris Butt1, Munawar Nadeem1, Rehan Anwar1, Kamran Hamid4, Muhammad Sabir2 and A.Hamid3
Objectives: To study the effect of alcoholic cautery with surgery in an ingrown toenail.
Study Design: Experimental study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Surgery at Idrees Teaching Hospital Sialkot and Allama Iqbal Memorial Teaching Hospital Sialkot from January 2014 to July 2016.
Materials and Methods: One thousand patients of ingrown toenail were included in this study. The alcoholic cautery was used with surgery in all cases. The procedure of surgery was wedge resection of the toe nail and nail fold. After excision of the affected portion of the ingrown nail fold and nail bed, the cotton swab soaked in 100% methyl alcohol was put on the excision area for 2 -3 minutes.
The performa was designed to record age, sex, socio economic status, area distribution, family history of the ingrown toe nail patients, date of surgery, surgery type, time duration of procedure, stay in the hospital, return to work time and healing time. Patients follow up is also recorded. The fully informed written consent of every patient prior to procedure was also recorded. The data was analyzed by SPSS version 10.
Results: In this prospective experimental study incidence of ingrown toe nail was maximum (55.3%) 553 cases at the age of 14-19 years & minimum (11.2%) 112 cases at the age of 26-30 years. It was seen that the patients of ingrown toe nail were maximum (66.3%) 663 cases of male as compared to female (33.7%) 337 cases. Urban population had (77.9%) 779 cases as compared to rural population (22.1%) 221 cases. The patients of ingrown toe nail were maximum (66.3%) 663 cases in high socio economic status group and minimum (10.4%) 104 cases in low socio economic group. In our study the recurrence of ingrown toe nail after alcoholic cautery was (05%) 50 cases. The procedure for ingrown toe nail was conducted within 2-6 hours after admission of the patient. The operation time was 30-60 minutes. The patients discharged after operation within 1-3 hours.. The healing time and return to work was 1-2 weeks.
Conclusion: It was concluded that use of alcoholic cautery with surgery in ingrown toenail the recurrences were very much reduced.
Key Words: Alcoholic cautery, Ingrown toenail, Surgery.
Citation of article: Butt II, Nadeem M, Anwar R, Hamid K, Sabir M, Hamid A. Use of Alcoholic Cautery in
Ingrown Toenail. Med Forum 2017;28(2):50-52.