13. Smoking Among Patients Attending Chest Department Bahawal Victoria Hospital, Bahawalpur
Somia Khan1, Muhammad Ahmad2 and Arbab Anwer3
Objectives: Objectives of Our Study were to know the frequency of smokers attending the chest outpatient department and chest ward and determine the reasons of smoking.
Study Design: Cross Sectional Study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at Chest Ward and Chest OPD of BV Hospital Bahawalpur from 18th May to 5th June 2016.
Materials and Methods: Sample of 100 patients were taken by using non-probability sampling technique. Patients of all ages and both sexes were included and Unwilling patients were not included. It was descriptive cross sectional epidemiological study. Data Collection Procedure: The data was collected by means of a preformed questionnaire. The Patients were interviewed by the researchers themselves. Data was analyzed by SPSS 20 and frequencies were calculated and presented in the form of Tables.
Results: In the study it was found that the frequency of smokers attending the chest outdoor & chest O.P.D was 59%. This study showed that 30% of smokers had been smoking for more than 30 years while almost 7% were smoker for more than 40 years. This study showed that 20.3 % of smokers started smoking to relieve depression, 28% due to peer pressure another 19% for fashion, 12 % for copying elders and 21% gave other reasons
Conclusion: It was concluded that smoking was quite prevalent in the patients attending the chest OPD and chest ward. Efforts should be made at community level as well as individual level to control and prevent smoking.
Key Words: Patients; Chest ward; Smoking; Respiratory disease
Citation of article: Khan S, Ahmad M, Anwer A. Smoking Among Patients Attending Chest Department Bahawal Victoria Hospital, Bahawalpur. Med Forum 2016;27(11):54-56.