12. Novel Role of Topical Diltiazem in Reducing Raised Intraocular Pressure in Rabbits
Muhammad Ashraf 1, Shafi Ullah1 and Wasim Ahmed2
Objective: The objective of the current study was to evaluate the IOP lowering of topical diltiazim which is a calcium channel blocker.
Study Design: Observational / descriptive study
Place and Duration of Study: The study was conducted at the Department of Pharmacology, Khyber medical college Peshawar, KPK-Pakistan from November 2015 to February 2016.
Materials and Methods: 40 healthy rabbits of a local strain weighing 1.50 to 2.00 kgs were obtained and kept at the animal house of the department of pharmacology, BMC Bannu. The study was conducted on both eyes of conscious rabbits. Three sets namely X, Y&Z were made. Topical diltiazim was injected to set X(made ocular hypertensive and glaucomatous through weekly injecting sub-conjunctival betamethasone suspension). Ocular hypertensive control set Y was also established which gotsynthetic tears for a period of 28 da s through the whole project. SetZ received no treatment during research and it act as normotensive control.
Results: Our results indicated that topical diltiazim can reduce the intra cular ressure very efficiently and quickly. Topical diltiazim wielded IOP reducing outcome in a much transitory time retro. Marvelous animal’s survival was also related to it.
Conclusion: In future, topical diltiazim might be incorporated as asubstitute anti-glaucoma drug in order to manageoptical hypertensive crisis, provided its safety in human. Key Words: Glaucoma, Optical Hypertension, CCB, IOP
Citation of article: Ashraf M, Ullah S, Ahmed W. Novel Role of Topical Diltiazem in Reducing Raised Intraocular Pressure in Rabbits. Med Forum 2016;27(6):48-51.