12. Frequency of Macrosomia and Hypoglycemia in Neonates of Diabetic Mothers
Muhammad Nadeem Chohan1, Deve Dass1, Imran Ahmed2, Samina Shamim3
Objectives: To determine frequency of macrosomia and hypoglycemia in neonates of Diabetic Mothers.
Study Design: Descriptive / Cross-Sectional Study
Place and duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Labor Room and Post Natal Unit of Pediatric Department, Liaquat National Hospital Karachi from October 2013 to March 2014.
Materials and Methods: This study was carried out on 376 cases at labor room where female (Mother) came for delivery, her pregnancy record Checked for control of blood sugar level and brief history taken. Neonatal cord blood taken at the time of delivery for glucose level. Neonatal birth weight taken immediately after birth and plotted on growth chart for the assessment of macrosomia
Results: Mean age of the patients was 35.37 years, male prevalence was found higher, and that is 57.40%. Mean gestational age was 37.22 weeks. Mean duration of diabetes was 3.77 years. Frequency of hypoglycemia was found in 21.50% patients, while macrosomia was found in 36.20% patients.
Conclusion: The frequency of hypoglycemia and macrosomia in infants of diabetic mother was 21.5% and 36.50% respectively.
Key Words: Infant of Diabetic Mother, Hypoglycemia, Hyperglycemia, Macrosomia. Neonates
Citation of article: Chohan MN, Dass D, Ahmed I, Shamim S. Frequency of Macrosomia and Hypoglycemia in Neonates of Diabetic Mothers. Med Forum 2017;28(6):45-48.