11. Role of Membrane Sweeping for Prevention of Post-Term Pregnancy
Hina Zubair, Saima Perveen, and Maryam Zubair
Objective: To assess the role of membrane sweeping for prevention of post term pregnancy at 38-40 wks of
Study Design:
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Divisional Headquarter Hospital, Mirpur Azad Kashmir for a period of six months from 1st May 2016 to 31st December 2016.
Materials and Methods: A randomized control trial carried on 120 pregnant females. The females were randomized into two groups each having 60 participants. Group A was Membrane Stripping group while no sweeping of membrane was done in group B. Stripping was done, between 38 to 40 weeks of gestation, every 48 hours till labor initiated, or upto a maximum of 41 weeks of pregnancy.
Results: Out of total 120 females sharing similar gestational age (38-40 weeks), membrane stripping was performed in 60 females of group A while in control group (group B) no intervention was made. All females were age matched (25-35 years) with a mean age of 29.38±2.96 in group A and a mean age of e 28.33±2.94 in group B. Fifty one (85%) females from group A and 40 (66.7%) females from group B underwent natural onset of effort before 41 wks, while 9 females from group A and 20 females from group B did not undergo natural onset of labor before 41 wks. The variance was statistically significant (P< 0.05).
Conclusion: Stripping of membranes is an effective and safe technique to minimize the rate of post term pregnancies. There is a need of trials on larger populations with a higher prevalence of post term pregnancies. This would help in evaluating efficacy of membrane stripping in decreasing rate of long gestations. Key Words: Post term pregnancy, Sweeping of membranes, and labor induction.
Citation of articles: Zubair H, Perveen S, Zubair M. Role of Membrane Sweeping for Prevention of Post-Term Pregnancy. Med Forum 2017;28(12):44-47.