11. Inadvertent Labelling of Hypertension in Anxious Patient Especially during Panic Attack
Mohammad Mohsin Rana1, Muhammad Usman Ghani2, Muazzam Fuaad1, Muhammad Saleem Akhtar1, Adnan Afzal1 and Sara Jabbar1
Objective: This study was designed to document that temporary rise in BP is a very common phenomenon in anxiety patients and is especially true during panic attack. We assessed all of our proclaimed hypertensive patients on standard Manifest Anxiety Scale to document anxiety as the underlying cause. By doing this we could stop the unwarranted labelling and un-necessary antihypertensive medicine.
Study Design: Observational cross section study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Rai Medical College Sargodha and Private Consultancies of the participants from January, 2020 to December, 2020.
Materials and Methods: Patients presenting for the treatment of HTN, 30-70 years old, were asked to answer MAS questionnaire. The weekly averages of home BP during symptomatic and non-symptomatic phase were recorded for 4 weeks.
Results: Out of 2739 consenting patients, 1340 completed the study. On formal MAS scale, in the 30s age group 70% had high score, 24% had middle and 6% had low score. In 40s figures were 58%, 12% and 30% respectively. In 50s group respective figures were 92%, 6% and 2%. In 60s group respective figures were 45%, 32% and 23%. In the final analysis all patients in 30s turned out to be normotensive, in 40s group only 11% were proven to have hypertension, in 50s age group 32% turned out to be genuine hypertensive and in 60s age group 67% proved to be hypertensives.
Conclusion: Anxiety and panic attack are the most common medical conditions which cause a temporary rise in BP. Every hypertensive must be thoroughly evaluated for anxiety. Perimenopausal transition must be considered as a cause of sudden shoot-ups in BP. Even in genuine hypertensives stress management plays very important role. Key Words:
Citation of article: Rana MM, Ghani MU, Fuaad M, Akhtar MS, Afzal A, Jabbar S. Inadvertent Labelling of Hypertension in Anxious Patient Especially during Panic Attack Med Forum 2021;32(2):45-49.