10. Genotype Distribution of Hepatitis C Virus in District Jacobabad, Sind, Pakistan and the Risk Factors Associated With it
1. Naresh Kumar Seetlani 2. Zain Majid 3. Pyar Ali
1. Asstt. Prof. of Medicine, DMC, Civil Hospital, Karachi 2. PG Trainee of Medicine, Sindh Institute of Urology and Transplantation 3. Asstt. Prof. of Medicine, DMC, Civil Hospital, Karachi
Objectives: Our study focused on HCV’s genotype distribution in district Jacobabad and its associated risk factors.
Study Design: Cross sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was carried out at a Private Clinic in Jacobabad, Sind, Pakistan from January 2013 to July 2013.
Materials and Methods: 153 samples were collected and their HCV status was confirmed by PCR.
Results: Out of 153 people, 100 were male and 53 females .Majority of the people were natives of Jacobabad city (90%).Genotype 3 was the most prevalent form (80%) with 3a being the most prevalent subtype.65% had a history of using unsterilized needle of which 3a had the highest association (87.4%).5.5% of the subjects had received transfusions during their lifetime, with type 1 and 4 genotype having a 50% history of it.69% had no history of sharing needles. 12.2% had a history of surgical intervention. Surgery had a 100% associated with genotype 1. 2.5% had received dental treatments in the past, most evident with types 3 (65%).61.4% had visited their barber recently
.6.3% people had ever received a tattoo, while majority of the people (92.8%) had no history of drug addiction. Reports of accidental pricks, sexual contacts or transmissions during delivery were negligible. History of tattooing, accidental pricks and transmission via sexual contact were mostly seen with type 3.No apparent cause of HCV was seen in 15%.
Conclusion: Unsterilized needles and visits to the barbers for shaving are a major risk factor for Hepatitis C in this region of Pakistan. This could be attributed to the lack of knowledge about these dangerous practices. Key Words: HCV; genotype; Pakistan, Jacobabad, S d; ge otype distribution; risk factors
Citation of article: Seetlani NK, Majid Z, Ali P. Ge otype Distribution of Hepatitis C Virus in District Jacobabad, Sind, Pakistan and the Risk Fact s Ass ciated With it. Med Forum 2016;27(3):36-39.