10. An Observational Study done to Determine the Contrast in Stress Levels between Medical and Non-Medical Students conducted in Different Institutes in Karachi
1. Zeba Saeed 2. Maria Atif 3. Bushra Bilal
1. Asstt. Prof. of Community Health Sciences, JM&DC, Karachi 2. Asstt. Prof. of Community Health Sciences, JM&DC, Karachi 3. Lecturer of Biochemistry, Inaya Medical College, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Objective: To compare the stress level of Medical Students and their Non Medical counterparts in different Institutes of Karachi.
Study Design: Retrospective / observational study.
Place and Duration of Study: This study was carried in various professional institutes i.e. AKMU, JMDC, LNMC, NUST, Bahria University, FAST, at various engineering schools. i.e. Karachi school of Arts, Iqra University and Indus Valley School of Arts, IoBM, Bahria University, SZABIST from April –August 2014.
Materials and Methods: With the help of Convenient Sampling Method, 12 different colleges were shortlisted. A total of 571 students were chosen with the help of Simple Random Sampling Method. For the purpose of data collection, a questionnaire was developed which was pre tested and pre coded. Data was analyzed with the help of SPSS version 20.0.
Results: Average age of students came out to be 20± 6 years. 76.3% (n= 113) of the medical students studied long hours at night in comparision to students of engineering 53.2% (n=77), arts 19.2% (n=26) and commerce/MBA/accounts 64.8% (n=92). 60.1% (n=89) of the medical students complained of constant tiredness and exhaustion. 68.3% (n=101) medical students complained of deadlines that were difficult to meet, as compared to 62.8% (n=91) of engineering students, 58% (n=79) of arts students and 60.6% (n=86) of commerce/MBA /accounts.
Conclusion: it is concluded from our study that the medical students are more prone to get stressed as compared to other non medical students.
Key Words: Medical Students, Stress, Non Medical Professionals
Citation of article: Saeed Z. Atif M, Bilal B. An Observational Study done to Determine the Contrast in
Stress Levels between Medical and Non-Medical Students conducted in Different Institutes in Karachi. Med
Forum 2015;26(7):35-39.