1. Sexual Dimorphismin of Sacrum by its Morphometric Analysis in Southern Punjab Pakistan
Mujahid Akbar Mamoun1, Asad Bilal Arif2, Jawad Sodhar3 and Mazhar ul Haque1
Objective: To determine the Sexual Dimorphismin of Sacrum in Southern Punjab Pakistan.
Study Design: Observational study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Quaid-a-Azam Medical College, Bahawalpur and Sheikh Zayed Medical College, Rahim Yar Khan during June 2016 to December 2016.
Materials and Methods: The measurement has been taken from median straight and curved line longitudinally and transversally on ventral side. First sacral body’s transverse diameter, base, antero-posterior diameter and breadth of alae were measured. The curvature index of longitudinal measurement and index of corporobasal areas were measured and analyses were done statistically.
Results: Mid ventral straight measurement, curved length of midventral areas, transverse base diameter, diameter of antero-posterior side of first sacral vertebra and alae’s breadth were more significant in males while index of sacrum was more significant in females. Index of corporobasal area was found more and insignificant in females statistically.
Conclusion: Functional differences of sacrum are present both in male and female in the pelvic girdle that’s why for identification it is important in both sexes in the human.
Key Words: Sexual Dimorphism, Sacrum, Sacral Parameters, Corporobasal Index, Sacral Index
Citation of articles: Mamoun MA, Arif AB, Sodhar J, Haque M. Sexual Dimorphismin of Sacrum by its Morphometric Analysis in Southern Punjab Pakistan. Med Forum 2018;29(9):2-5.