1. Frequency of Bacterial Isolates in Blood Culture among Patients with Acute Pyogenic Meningitis
Muhammad Ayaz1, Abdul Hanan1, Muhammad Khalid1, Rifayatullah Afridi2, Muhammad Haroon Shahid1 and Shabir Hussain1
Objective: To determine the frequency of bacterial isolates in blood culture among patients with acute pyogenic meningitis.
Study Design: Descriptive / cross-sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Medicine, Qazi Hussain Ahmad Medical Complex, Nowshera from November, 2017 to May, 2018.
Materials and Methods: A total of 193 patients using 43.4% proportion of positive blood culture with acute bacterial meningitis, 95% confidence level and 5% margin of error, using WHO software, presenting features of pyogenic meningitis were included in the study and subjected to blood culture to record the findings.
Results: The mean age group of our sample was 32.4 + 10.9 years of which 66.8% male patients and 33.2% female patients. Most of the patients i.e. 59.6% were in the age group up to 35.00 years. Positive blood culture was seen in 60.1% of cases with E Coli being the most frequent in 25% of patients followed by Pneumococcus in 22.4% of patients, Meningococcus in 21.6% of patients, Klebsiella in 9.5% and H. Influenza in 8.6%.
Conclusion: Acute pyogenic meningitis is a common occurrence in our population with E. Coli, Pneumococci and Meningococci being the common culprits.
Key Words: Acute Bacterial Meningitis, Blood Culture, Pneumococcus, Meningococcus, Klebsiella.
Citation of articles: Ayaz M, Hanan A, Khalid M, Afridi R, Shahid MH, Hussain S. Frequency of Bacterial Isolates in Blood Culture among Patients with Acute Pyogenic Meningitis. Med Forum 2019;30(8): 2-7.