1. Frequency and Type of Malaria in All Febrile Children Up to Five Years of Age
Muhammad Ashfaq, Bader-un-Nisa, Ayesha Altaf and Jamal Raza
Objective: To determine the frequency and type of malaria in all febrile children up to five years of age visiting the OPD of NICH.
Study Design: Descriptive / cross-sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Emergency and Outpatient Department of National Institute of Child Health, Karachi from 1st July 2016 till 31st December 2016.
Materials and Methods: All children of 1 month to 5 years of age of either gender having history of fever as primary complain since 24 hours or more were enrolled. Laboratory test was performed and presence of malaria (yes/no) and type of malaria (if malarial positive) was noted.
Results: Out of total 253 children, majority of the patients were presented with ≤2.5 years of age (Mean age 1.48 ±.500 years). The proportion of female children was lower 102 (40.3%) than that of male children 151 (59.7%). Frequency of malaria was found in 17 (6.76%) patients. Frequency of malaria was found in 17 (24.1%) patients. Among these 17 malaria cases, 2 (11.76%) had falciparum while 15 (88.23%) had vivax type of malaria. Educational status of mother (p-value 0.003), father (p-value 0.038) and economic status (p-value <0.001) were significant factors associated with presence of malaria in children.
Conclusion: The frequency of malaria was found to be higher with predominance of vivax type in all febrile children up to five years of age visiting the OPD of NICH.
Key Words: Malaria, Fever, Children, Falciparum, Vivax
Citation of articles: Ashfaq M, Nisa B, Altaf A, Raza J. Frequency and Type of Malaria in All Febrile Children Up to Five Years of Age. Med Forum 2018;29(4):