1. Closed Reduction and Percutaneous Pinning in Proximal Humerus Fratures- Assessment of Results Using Constant-Murley Shoulder Scoring Scale
Mian Muhammad Azhar
Assoc. Prof. of Orthopaedic Surgery, KMS Medical College, Sialkot
Objective: The aim of the study was to assess the results of closed reduction and percutaneous pinning in proximal humerus fracture using Constant-Murley shoulder outcome scoring scale Study Design: Experimental study.
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at KMSMC/AIMH and National Bones and Joints Hospital Sialkot from July 2013 to Dec 2014.
Materials and Methods: 20 patients having proximal humerus fractures were operated and closed reduction and percutaneous pin fixation was done. Out of 20 patients, 11 patients (55%) were male and 9 female (45%). Right side was involved in 14 patients (70%) and left side in 6 patties (30%). Age ranged b/w 30-50 years with an average age of 38.4 years. Mechanisms of injury were RTA in 10 patients(50%), fall from height 6 patients(30%), fall while walking/stair climbing 4 patients (20%). The follow up ranged from 6-18 months with an average follow up of 9 months.
Results: The patients were assessed postoperatively at the end of follow up using Constant-Murley shoulder outcome scoring scale. 12 patients (60%) had excellent, 5 patients (25%) good, 2 patients (10%) fair and 1 patient (5%) had poor result. The mean Constant-Murley score at the end of follow up was 88.2 points. The complications observed were; pin track infection 3 patients (15%), loosening of pin 2 patients (10%), mild fracture displacement 1 patient (5%) and shoulder stiffness 2 patients (10%), Whereas, deep wound infection, avascular necrosis, hetrotophic ossification and neurovascular injury were not seen in this study. All the fractures unite satisfactorily b/w 8-14 weeks with an average of 10 weeks postoperatively.
Conclusion: Closed reduction and percutaneous pin fixation in displaced fractures of proximal humerus is safe and effective procedure with negligible complications and should be adopted as the first line of treatment if facilities are available.
Key Words: Proximal humerus fracture, closed reduction, pinning, Constant-Murley scoring scale.
Citation of article: Azhar MM. Closed Reduction and Percutaneous Pinning in Proximal Humerus Fratures- Assessment of Results Using Constant-Murley Shoulder Scoring Scale. Med Forum 2015; 26(8):2-6.