40. Tendency of Post COVID Muscle and Joint Pains
Objective: To the study Trend of post COVID muscle and joint pains.
Study Design: Observational Study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Imran Idris Teaching Hospital Sialkot and Allama Iqbal Memorial Hospital Sialkot 26 Feb 2020 to Nov 2020.
Materials and Methods: Fifty-five patients of COVID were included in the study. History of fever, flue, was found and on examination of blood sample PCR it was confirmed patients of COVID-19. The written informed consent of every patient was taken before history of fever, flue, was found and on examination of blood sample PCR it was confirmed patients of COVID-19. Ethical permission of institute was taken before collecting the data and get publishing in Medical Journal. The results were analyzed by SPSS version 20. The patients follow up was conducted and they complaint muscle and joint pain.
Results: The incidence of Post COVID muscle and joint pain was maximum 15(27.27%) at age group 48-58 years and was minimum 2(3.63%) in age group 15-25 years. The incidence of Post COVID muscle and joint pain was 35(63.63%) in male and was 20(36.36%) in female. The incidence of Post COVID muscle and joint pain was maximum 26(47.27%) in lower class and was minimum 9(16.36%) in high gentry. The incidence of Post COVID muscle and joint pain was maximum 25(45.45%) in patients of back ache and was minimum 2(3.63%) in patients having headache
Conclusion: Low education rate and without awareness leading to not-serious of people towards the adopting of social distance and hand washing. The congestion of people in big cities of Pakistan can lead in the spread of virus.
Approach of trace, test and treatment needs to be applied to prevent the transmission in community leading to increase in cases. It was also found that post COVID-19 muscle and joint were evident.
Key Words: COVID 19, Muscle and joint pains
Citation of article: Adnan, Javed W, Saleemi H, Shafqat A, Arif M, Hamid K. Tendency of Post COVID Muscle and Joint Pains. Med Forum 2021;32(4):161-163.