1. Hyperuricemia in Patients with Chronic Liver Disease
Faheem Ahmed Memon1 , Siraj Ahmed Butt1 , Muhammed Kashif Shaikh2 , Shakeel Ahmed Memon1 , Irshad Ahmed Bhutto1 and Ashfaque Hussain Mir Jat1
Objective: To determine the serum uric acid in patients with chronic liver disease.
Study Design: Case Series Descriptive
Study Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Tertiary Care Hospital during July 2018 to December 2018.
Materials and Methods: During the study period, all individuals with chronic liver disease admitted to the hospital were included in the study. The inclusion criteria were fifty patients with chronic liver disease attended tertiary care hospital of 12-60 year of age and either gender while the exclusion criteria were hematological malignancy, already on immunosuppressive or chemotherapeutic drugs, gout, medications as frusemide, thiazide or uric acid lowering agents as allopurinol, probenecid and febuxostat, chronic kidney disease, recent surgery, lesch nyhan syndrome and trauma. The duration and severity of chronic liver disease was assessed and the haematological and biochemical workup was done while the serum uric acid was determined by having venous blood sampling and sent for analysis. The frequency and percentages were computed for categorical variables whereas the mean ± SD was computed for numerical variables.
Results: During study period total fifty patients with chronic liver disease were recruited and studied had mean age ± SD identified as 51.20±6.67 (yrs) with male gender predominance. Regarding gender, the male and female population was 20 (40%) and female 30 (60%), residence the urban 23 (46%) and rural 27 (54%), etiology as hepatitis C 22 (44%), hepatitis B as 10 (20%), alcohol 13 (26%) and autoimmune 05 (10%), Child-Pugh Class A 22 (44%), B 14 (28%) and C 14 (28%), co-morbidities as Diabetes mellitus 13 (26%), Hypertension 10 (20%), obesity 08 (16%), osteoporosis 05 (10%) and no any 14 (28%) while the hyperuricemia was observed in 32 (64%) patient.
Conclusion: The serum uric acid is arbiter of inflammation and tissue harm and considered as a marker for severity of chronic liver disease.
Key Words: Uric acid, Chronic liver disease, Hyperuricemia.
Citation of article: Memon FA, Butt SA, Shaikh MK, Memon SA, Bhutto IA, Jat AHM. Hyperuricemia in Patients with Chronic Liver Disease. Med Forum 2021;32(4):2-4.