9. Satisfaction of Patients with Peritonsillar Abscess with Permucosal Needle Aspiration Versus Incision & Drainage
Muhammad Younas
Assoc. Prof. of ENT, Women Medical College, Abbottabad
Objective: To assess the efficacy and safety of Permucosal Needle Aspiration of Peritonsillar abscess with the Incision & Drainage.
Study Design: Prospective, descriptive study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at Benazir Bhutto Shaheed Teaching Hospital, Abbottabad from July 2011 to June 2014.
Materials and Methods: This study was conducted on 62 patients, suffering from Peritonsillar Abscess. Patients were divided into 02 groups , group A, patients who were treated by Needle aspiration and group B, patients who were treated initially by incision & drainage. Patients were assessed for relief of pain, hospital stay, complications of the procedure, recurrence of the disease and success rate of the procedure.
Results: Of the 62 patients, 38 ( 61.29%) were male and 24 (38.70%) were female . The age range was from 08 years to 57 years. Duration of symptoms prior to hospital admission was 06 days. The return to semi solid food was 02 days in group A an d to solid food 04 days. Where as in group B 88 % return to semisolid in 02 days and to solid in 04 days. 75% the patients in group A were pain free after 05 days as compared to 78 % in group B. The hospital stay was 3-9 days in group A and 4 -10 days in group B patients. The over all success rate was 90 % in group A and 93 % in group B.
Conclusion: This study indicates that most patients with peritonsillar abscess can be treated successfully and safely by per mucosal needle aspiration.
Key Words: Peritonsillar Abscess, Needle Aspiration, Incision & Drainage
Citation of article: Younas M. Satisfaction of Patients with Peritonsillar Abscess with Permucosal Needle Aspiration Versus Incision & Drainage. Med Forum 2015;26(3):37-39.