9. Pattern of Presentation and Factors Involved in Children Having Hematuria
Mumtaz Ali Bharo1, Asif Ali Khuhro2, Bakhtiar Ahmed Bhanbhro3 and Hafiz Muhammad Anwar ul Haq4
Objective: To find out pattern of presentation as well as factors involved in children with hematuria.
Study Design: Cross sectional study.
Place and Duration of Study: This multicentre center study was conducted at Children Hospital, Chandka Medical College, Larkana, Department of Paediatrics of Pir Syed Abdul Qadir Shah Jeelani Institute of Medical Sciences, Gambat, and Department of Pediatrics of Ghulam Muhammad Mahar Medical College and Hospital, Sukkur from Jan 2019 to June 2019.
Materials and Methods: A total of 152 children, aged 1-15 years, reporting in out-patient department or emergency department, having hematuria (> 5 red blood cells per high power field in centrifuged urine following a positive dipstick test) were enrolled in this study. Demographic data like age, gender, sign and symptoms, along with risk factors, clinical features and laboratory investigations were recorded on a predesigned proforma. Mean and standard deviation was calculated for quantitative variables while frequency and percentages were calculated for qualitative variables.
Results: Out of a total of 152 children, 87 (57.2%) were male and 65 (42.8%) female. Most children, 66 (43.4%) were between 1 and 5 years of age while 49 (32.2%) between 6 to 10 years and 37 (24.3%) between 11 to 15 years. Most common presentation of children with hematuria were recorded as fever in 89 (58.6%) followed by red or cola color urine 66 (43.4%) and hypertension in 57 (37.5%). Post streptococcal glomerulonephritis was noted to be the commonest finding as 63 (41.3%) children had that whereas urinary tract infection 36 (23.7%), renal stone (17 (11.2%) and vesico ureteric reflux were some of the other most common conditions.
Conclusion: Age group of 1 to 5 years and male gender seem to be more common among children having hematuria. Fever as well as red / cola color urine seemed to be the commonest presentation. Post streptococcal glomerulonephritis and UTI were the commonest factors found.
Key Words: Fever, hematuria, hypertension, urinary tract infection.
Citation of articles: Bharo MA, Khuhro AA, Bhanbhro BA, Haq HMA. Pattern of Presentation and Factors Involved in Children Having Hematuria. Med Forum 2019;30(9):33-36.