9. Evaluation of Liver Injuries in DHQ Teaching Hospital Bannu
Ajmal Shah Bukhari1, Shabir Hussain2 and Mir Hamza3 |
Objective: To determine the major injury patterns, outcomes and management options of liver trauma in a tertiary care setup in District Headquarter Teaching Hospital Bannu, Pakistan. Study Design: Retrospective / clinical study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Surgery, District Headquarter Teaching Hospital Bannu from 1st January 2015 till 31st December 2016.
Materials and Methods: It was carried out consisted of 60 patients with liver trauma, 57 males and 3 female, with the mean age 31.46 years. Data regarding age, sex, mode and type of injuries were taken and analyzed. Inclusion criteria included age group equals or more than 13 years of age with diagnosis of liver trauma, patients penetrating and non-penetrating traumatic injury to liver, patients with blunt and sharp injury to liver. Exclusion criteria included all the patients’ less than 13 years of age, patients with pre-existing liver disease i.e. cirrhosis, tumors, hepatitis etc, Patients who have previously undergone hepatic surgery.
Results: The incidence of liver trauma due to non-penetrating injuries was 46(76.6%) while due to penetrating injuries 14 (23.3%), In all cases of blunt injuries,40 patients(86.9%) were due to road traffic accidents, and 6 patients(13.0%) were due to assaults. 16 patients who were haemodynamically stable, were managed Medically with strict vital monitoring, input/output charting and repeated examinations.44 patients who were haemodynamically unstable despite aggressive resuscitation and were managed surgically. 9 patients (20%) were treated by simple suture, 15 patients (34%) were treated by suture and perihepaticpacking,and20 patients (45%) were treated by perihepatic packing. Patient who underwent perihepatic packing were re explored after 48 hours. abdomen was washed, drains were put in and abdomen was closed permanently.
Conclusion: Non-penetrating liver injuries are most common (77.0%) in our population especially due to road
traffic accidents (67.0%). Surgical management has a provital role in saving life where the patient is
haemodynamically unstable.
Key Words: Liver Injury
Citation of articles: Bukhari AS, Hussain S, Hamza M. Evaluation of liver Injuries in DHQ Teaching Hospital Bannu. Med Forum 2017;28(12):35-38.