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  3. 8. Tuberculosis as a Predicator of Childhood Malnutrition in Sindh, Pakistan
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8. Tuberculosis as a Predicator of Childhood Malnutrition in Sindh, Pakistan

Shafi Muhammad Khuawar1, Arshad Hussain Laghari2 and Ghulam Sarwar Shaikh3


Objective:To assess the prevalence and identify risk factors associated with Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in Sindh, Pakistan.

Study Design:Quantitative and cross-sectional study.

Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Pulmonology, and Department of Biochemistry Ghulam Muhammad Mahar Medical College, Sukkur from January 2016 to May, 2019.

Materials and Methods:Diagnosis of TB was performed by AFB smear and X-ray chest. For the screening of malnutrition, blood sample were collected and Total Protein, Albumin and A/G ratio were analyzed. Body Mass Index (BMI) were estimated by analyzing data from questioners.

Results:Overall 170 children were recruited in this studu, 81 were male and 89 were female. It was estimated that 13% children were infected eithTuberculosis every each year. Malnutrition was highly prevalent in TB infected children.

Conclusion:This seems to be a relationship between malnutrition and an increased risk of TB in children belong to remote areas of Sindh, Pakistan.

Key Words:MycobacteriumTuberculosis, Malnutrition, Childhood Malnutrition.

Citation of article: Khuawar SM, Laghari AH, Shaikh GS. Tuberculosis as a Predicator of Childhood Malnutrition in Sindh, Pakistan. Med Forum 2019;30(10):32-35.