7. Pattern of Hurt in Victims of Violence in Pakistan
Tanveer Hussain1, Azhar Masood Bhatti2, Abid Karim3 and A. Hamid4
Objective: To study the pattern of hurt in victims of violence in Pakistan
Study Design: Retrospective study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Forensic Medicine, Fatima Jinnah Medical College, Lahore during March 2017 to March 2019.
Materials and Methods: Three Hundred and eight one victims of hurt were included in this study. The patients included in this study were coming in the emergency of Ganja Ram Hospital, Lahore Mayo Hospital, Lahore, Rangers Teaching Hospital, Lahore Forensic Medicine Department Khyber Medical College Peshawar & Emergency Department of Allama Iqbal Memorial Teaching Hospital of Khawaja M. Safdar Medical College Sialkot. The demographic data & pattern of hurt was noted in the design Performa. The permission of ethical committees of the institutes was also consider before collection of data and publishing in the medical journal.
Results: At the age of 20 years the victims of hurt were 50 males (16.50%) and 10 female (12.82%).At the age of 21-30 years there were 101(33.33%) male and female 23(29.48%). At the age of 31-40 years there were 75(24.75%) male and 15 (19.23%) female. At the age of 41-50 years there were 35 (11.55%) male and 11(14.10%) female. AT the age of 51-60 there were 27(8.91%) male and 9(11.53%) female. Age above 60 years the male victim of hurt were 15 (5.0%) and 10 (12.82%) female. The victims of Shajjah were 50(16.50%) male and 10 (12.82%) female. The victims of jurr jaifa 90(29.70%) were male and 15(19.23%) female. The victim of Jurr ghair jaffa 75(24.75%) were male and 15(19.23%) were female. The victim of Itlaf e udw were 35(11.55%) and 11(14.10%) female. The victim of Itlaf e saliyat udw were 20(6.60%) and 07(9.0%) female. The victim of 337-L1 were 15(5.0%) male and 10(12.82%) female. The victim of 337-L2 were 07(2.31%) male and 02(2.56%) female.The victims of 337-J were 11(3.63%) and 08(10.25%). The victim of Shajah Khafifa were 27(54%) male and 3(30%) female. The victim of Shajjah Muhadiha were 9(18%) male and 2(20%) female. The victim of Shajjah hashima were 7(14%) male and 2(20%) female. The victim of Shajjah Muqalah were 3(6)% were male and 1(10%) were female .The victim of Shajjah Amma were 2(4%) male and 1(10%) female. The victim of Shajah Damiga were 2(4%) were male and 1(10%) were female. The victims of Jurr Ghair Jaffa were 27(36%) and 42(26.66%) female .The victims of Jurr Ghair jaffa badiya were 15(20%) were male and 3(20%) female. The victims of Jurr Ghair Jaffa Mutlahmah were 14(18.66%) and 3(20%) female. The victims of Jurr Ghair Jaffa hashimah were 13(17.33%) male and 2(13.33%) female. The victims of Jurr Ghair Jaffa Munaqalah were 6(8%) were male and 3(20%) were female.
Conclusion: It was concluded that the variety of hurt daily come in the Medical emergency departments of hospital/ Forensic Department of Pakistan.
Key Words: Hurt, Causality Department, Mayo Hospital, Khawaja M. Safdar Medical College Sialkot, Forensic Medicine department Khyber Medical college Peshawar.
Citation of article: Tanveer H, Bhatti AM, Karim A, Hamid A. Pattern of Hurt in Victims of Violence in Pakistan. Med Forum 2020;31(1):25-28.