8. Hepatic Dysfunction and Biochemical Abnormalities in Typhoid Patients
Naveed Khan1, Subhan Uddin2, Shah Zeb2 and Habib Ur Rehman3
Objective: To study hepatic dysfunction and biochemical abnormalities in typhoid patients.
Study Design: Observational/Analytical Study.
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Medical Department of Mardan Medical Complex (MMC) Teaching Hospital Mardan and Pathology Department of Bacha Khan Medical College Mardan from June, 2016 to June, 2017.
Materials and Methods: This study included a total of 100 patients of typhoid fever and 50 individuals as control group. Typhoid positive serum was taken as that with visible agglutination at 1:320. To exclude false positive we used rising titer for widal test. Typhi dot was also positive in these patients. Moreover they had step ladder rising pattern of the fever. Alanine transaminase (ALT), aspartate transaminase (AST), bilirubin and serum albumin were performed on samples of these patients by a chemical analyzer.
Results: In present study fifty five patients had elevated ALT, mean value was 100 ±12.265U/L. Fifty percent of the patients had raised AST with mean value of 110 ±15.233 U/L. Serum bilirubin was raised in 20% of the patients and mean value was 4.5 ±2.623 mg/dl. Serum albumin was low in 25% of the patients. Mean value was 2.5 ±1.532g/dl. ALT, AST and serum bilirubin were significantly high and serum albumin was significantly low in typhoid patients as compared to control group.
Conclusion: The study concluded that typhoid fever is associated with elevated transaminases and bilirubin level as well as low serum albumin levels. As typhoid fever is common in our setup along with other infections, so any patient presenting with fever and the above mentioned biochemical abnormalities must be screened for typhoid fever for effective and prompt treatment and to reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with the disease. Key Words: Typhoid fever, elevated ALT, AST, bilirubin.
Citation of articles: Khan N, Uddin S, Zeb S, Rehman H. Hepatic Dysfunction and Biochemical Abnormalities in Typhoid Patients. Med Forum 2018;29(3): 29-31.