8. Effects of Inter Professional Education on First Year Medical Students: A Qualitative Analysis
Seema Nadeem1, Marium Riaz1, Mohd Abdullah Qazi1, Neelofar Shaheen1, Anila Riyaz2 and Shagufta2
Objective: To evaluate the effects of Interprofessional Education (IPE) on first year medical students and to obtain recommendations for its successful implementation.
Study Design: Thematic approach to Qualitative analysis
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Women Medical College (WMC) Abbottabad from August-October 2018.
Materials and Methods: Participants were female medical students of 1st year who had already attended a few sessions of IPE with other healthcare students as nursing, pharmacy and physiotherapy. Semi-structured interviews were undertaken individually to explore the perceptions of the students related to IPE. Quantitative analysis of the data was achieved through the process of coding and transcription.
Results: Findings of the study suggest that medical students have different perceptions about IPE which may influence its implementation. Most of the students acknowledged the positive impact of IPE in developing good relations and communication with other health professionals for successful teamwork. A few students thought that IPE was a waste of time as doctors held a more important role than other health carers. Some of the reasons for this as obtained from our study and critical literature review were higher merit and fee for entry in medical school, longer study duration, competitive specialist exams and higher salaries and posts than others.
Conclusion: Majority of students found IPE to be a beneficial experience and recommendations for its implementation as early in medical career were given as this would help in realizing the role of other health carers. Further strategies should be recommended for the successful implementation of IPE for good teamwork and collaborative practice in healthcare settings.
Key Words: Medical students, Interprofessional Education, Healthcare teamwork
Citation of articles: Nadeem S, Riaz M, Qazi MA, Shaheen N, Riyaz N, Shagufta. Effects of Interprofessional Education on First Year Medical Students: A Qualitative Analysis. Med Forum 2019;20(1):31-35.