8. Effect of External Cephalic Version in Reducing the Incidence of Cesarean Section for Breech Presentation at Term
Kausar Parveen1, Rukhsana Kasi1, Nagina Panezai1, Saliha Kakar2, Khushhal Khan2 and Muhammad Samsoor Zarak2
Objective: To see the effect of external cephalic version in reducing the incidence of cesarean section for breech presentation at term.
Study Design: Descriptive case series study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Bolan Medical Complex Hospital Quetta from April, 2014 to October, 2014.
Materials and Methods: A total of 100 cases fulfilling the inclusion/exclusion criteria were enrolled. After the confirmation of diagnosis of breach presentation by ultrasound, external cephalic version was carried out in labour room with external fetal monitor. In case of success woman were allowed to go into spontaneous labour to see the success of the procedure (spontaneous vaginal delivery).
Results: A total of 100 patients were included in the study. The mean age of patients was 27.60 years with standard deviation of 6.552 years. Out of 100 patients, 66 (66%) patients had efficacy (spontaneous vaginal delivery) after successful external cephalic version while 34 (34%) patients had no efficacy (spontaneous vaginal delivery) after successful external cephalic version.
Conclusion: External cephalic version is a safe procedure with a high success rate. This will provide an alternate management option by reducing caesarean sections for breech presentation without causing any harm to mothers and their fetuses.
Key Words: External cephalic version, breech presentation, caesarean sections
Citation of article: Parveen K, Kasi R, Panezai N, Kakar S, Khan K, Zarak MS. Effect of External Cephalic Version in Reducing the Incidence of Cesarean Section for Breech Presentation at Term. Med Forum 2021;32(6):28-33.