7.Clinical Spectrum, Nutritional Status and Outcome of Visceral Leishmaniasis in Children – Tertiary Care Hospital Experience
Syed Sajid Hussain Shah1, Shahzad Najeeb1, Farrukh Addil2, Khyal Muhammad2, Ejaz Hussain1 and Fiaz Khan3
Objective: The objective of this study was to enlighten the clinical spectrum of Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL) in children presenting to tertiary care hospital along with nutritional status and outcome in hospital.
Study Design: Retrospective Study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Ayub Teaching Hospital, Abbottabad from January 2018 to December, 2019.
Materials and Methods: Patient diagnosed case with VL were and clinical features, nutritional status and outcome was documented on specific proforma. Clinical spectrum was taken as presenting features of patients with pallor, bruises, and edema. Patient’s nutritional status was assessed by doing serum albumin and plotting weight for age on growth chart for sex. Outcome taken as discharge, expiry or transfer out. Data was analyzed by SPSS 20 and results taken significant with p value < 0.05.
Results: There were 36 patients, 25 (69.4%) male and 11 (30.6%) females. Patient’s age ranged from 05 months to 6 years, mean age of 27.86 ± 20.49. Pallor was main presenting feature. Mean serum albumin of patients were 2.51 ± 0.44 and mean Hb was 6.79 ± 1.83. Out of 36 patients, 34 patients (94.4%) were having Hb less than 9 gm/dl. Majority of patients (66.7 %) were below 5th percentile for weight for age on growth chart. Most of underweight patients were female and there was significant relationship between gender and underweight (p value 0.041). There was one expiry and 35 (97.2%) patients improved and discharged from hospital.
Conclusion: Pallor and under nutrition are main presenting feature while females are more malnourished. Appropriate treatment leads to complete recovery.
Key Words: Clinical spectrum, nutritional status, outcome, visceral Leishmaniasis
Citation of article: Shah SSH, Najeeb S, Addil F, Muhammad K, Hussain E, Khan F. Clinical Spectrum, Nutritional Status and Outcome of Visceral Leishmaniasis in Children – Tertiary Care Hospital Experience. Med Forum 2021;32(8):