7. Efficacy of Platelet Rich Plasma Application in Comparison to Conventional Dressing Therapy in Partial Thickness Burn Wound
1. Ehmer-Al-Ibran 2. Masood Hussain Rao 3. Maria Khan 4. Farrukh Hasan
5. Raaziyah Abdul Khaliq 6. Syeda Zehra
1. Asstt. Prof. of Burns, DUHS, Karachi 2. Principal Research Officer, PMRC Research Centre, DMC, Karachi
3. PG Student, DUHS, Karachi 4. Medical Director, Vice President of South Asian Association of Transfusion Medicine 5,6. PG Students, DUHS, Karachi
Objective: To determine the efficacy of Platelet Rich Plasma application in comparison to conventional dressing therapy in partial thickness burn wound Study Design: Comparative analytical study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was carried out at Department of Burns, Civil Hospital Karachi from March 2011 to January 2013.
Materials and Methods: A comparative analytical study was conducted to determine the efficacy of Platelet Rich Plasma application in comparison to conventional dressing therapy in partial thickness burn wound at Department of Burns, Civil Hospital Karachi. All the admitted patients of either sex having age between 20-40 years, victims of fire and scald burn, having partial thickness burn with 10-30% of TBSA involved. Patients were divided into two groups on random basis. In group “A”, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) application was given with three day gap between two applications until full recovery of the wound. While in group “B” conventional dressing therapy was adopted till full recovery of wound.
Results: All 30 patients of group A, selected for PRP application, were recovered maximally within 18 days (6 therapies with a gap of 3 days). Whereas in other 30 cases, of group B selected for conventional dressing therapy, it took minimum 21 days or more for complete recovery. Hence recovery was found slow in conventional dressing therapy as compared to PRP and it is statistically significant at P,0.05.
Conclusion: Platelet-rich plasma application in non-healing deep partial and full thickness burn wound accelerate the wound healing as compared to conventional dressing therapy and is very effective in preparing healthy beds for grafting and provides 100% graft take.Now it is up to the Burns surgeon to select it for rapid results to save time and cost with availability of more beds in Burn Centre.
Key Words: Platelet Rich plasma, Burns, Conventional dressing, wound healing.