6. Frequency of Subclinical Hypothyroidism in Patients with Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy
1. Akhtar Ali Baloch 2. Anam Naveed Khan 3. Sadaf Ahmed Asim 4. Munir Hussain
Siddiqui 5. Aurangzaib 6. Jawad-us-Salam 7. Qamar-un-Nisa 8. Afzal Qasim
9. Muhammad Masroor
1. Assoc. Prof. of Medicine, 2. Medical Officer of Medicine, 3. Asstt. Prof. of Dermatology, 4. Asstt. Prof. of
Medicine, 5. Assoc. Prof. of Medicine,, 6. Asstt, Prof. of Medicine, 7. Asstt. Prof. of Neurology, 8. Asstt. Prof. of Cardiology, 9. Principal DIMC / Prof. of Medicine, Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi.
Objectives: To determine the frequency of subclinical hypothyroidism in patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy.
Study Design: Cross Sectional Study.
Place and duration of study: This study was conducted in Dow University Hospital, Dow University of Health Sciences , Karachi from 1st January 2012 to 31st December 2012.
Materials and Methods: One hundred and nineteen patients attending the medicalOPD Dow University of Health Sciences were included in study.
Results: 119 patients were enrolled in study .47.1% were male and 52.9% were female patients mean age was 55.75±7.85 years , Mean HbA1c value was 8.02 ± 1.46%,Subclinical hypothyroidism was identified in 26.9% the patients.
Conclusion: Subclinical hypothyroidism is associated with the development of proliferative diabetic retinopathy in the patients suffering from type 2 diabetics.
Key Words: Subclinical hypothyroidism, Proliferative diabetic retinopathy, type 2 diabetes mellitus, HbA1c
Citation of article: Baloch AA, Khan AN, Asim SA, Siddiqui MH, Aurangzaib, Salam J, Nisa Q, Qasim A, Masroor M. Frequency of Subclinical Hypothyroidism in Patients with Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy.
Med Forum 2015;26(3):25-28.