6. Frequency of Peripheral Neuropathy in Chronic Liver Disease
Muhammad Burhan Pasha1, Muhammad Mumtaz Ather2, Muhammad Azfar Tanveer1, Muhammad Asif Yaseen1, Ali Akram1 and Nadeem Ullah3
Objective: Study the magnitude of peripheral neuropathy in chronic liver disease in patients presented in tertiary care centre.
Study Design: Prospective study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Nishter Hospital Multan in one year duration from May 2018 to May 2019.
Materials and Methods: Ninty patients of diagnosed chronic liver disease were selected irrespective of etiology. Patients were assessed for peripheral neuropathy through electrophysiological methods. Detailed history and clinical examination was taken fromall patients. SPSS software was used for determination of data. Test of significance (t-test and chi square) were applied. P values ≤0.05 was considered as significant.
Results: Sensory nerve conduction as median nerve, ulnar nerve and sural nerve were shown in table II. The mean median nerve as amplitude and NCV was 17.25±2.68 and 41.39±2.12, respectively. The mean ulnar nerve as amplitude and NCV was 14.31±2.15 and 37.24±2.52, respectively. The mean sural verve as amplitude and NCV was 7.26±3.51 and 32.13±4.11, respectively.
Conclusion: Chronic liver disease is associated with peripheral neuropathy; grade of severity of disease increases the incidence of peripheral neuropathy. Advance age group and male gender were also observed associated with greater neuropathy.
Key Words: Peripheral neuropathy, chronic liver disease,
Citation of articles: Pasha MB, Ather MM, Tanveer MA, Yaseen MA, Akram A, Ullah N. Frequency of Peripheral Neuropathy in Chronic Liver Disease. Med Forum 2019;30(8):23-26.