6. Effect of Body Mass Index on Accuracy of Doppler Ultrasonographic Detection of Dominant Perforator of Deep Inferior Epigastric Artery Perforator Flap
1. Ammara Rabbani 2. Kamran Khalid
1. Women Medical Officer, 2. Asstt. Prof., Jinnah Burn & Reconstructive Surgery Center, Jinnah Hospital / AIMC, Lahore.
Objective: The objective of this study is to find the frequency of correct identification of the dominant perforators by pre-operative Doppler ultrasonography in deep inferior epigastric artery perforator flap in relation to increasing body mass index (BMI).
Study Design: Descriptive cross-sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was carried out in Jinnah Burn & Reconstructive Surgery Centre, Lahore from 4th June 2013 to 4th June 2015.
Materials and Methods: A total of 46 patients fulfilling the inclusion criteria were enrolled from Jinnah Burn & Reconstructive Surgery Centre, Lahore. An informed consent was taken for color Doppler ultrasonography, operation and to gather information for study purpose. Pre operative BMI was calculated by dividing weight in kilogram (Kg) by height in meter square (m2) and placed into two gr up ; gr up 1 with BMI <30 (normal to overweight) had 33 patients (71.74%) and group 2 BMI ≥30 (obese), 13 patients (28.26%). Preoperative Doppler USG was done for localization of dominant perforator in periumbilical region of Deep inferior epigastric artery and distance from umbilicus was measured in centimeters ( m). Per operative distance of dominant perforator confirmed and measured in centimeters along the radius of umb l us.
Results: Forty six patients aged between 32-46 years w th mean 39.3±3.5 years were included. In group 1 all 33 (76.7%) had correctly identified dominant perforators, whereas all the 3 (100%) patients whom the per operative perforator location fall out of 1cm range of pre-operat ve Doppler localization fell in group 2 (obese patients) showing clinically significant p- value 0.004.
Conclusion: It is concluded that Color D ppler USG is a safe and reliable imaging technique but increasing BMI
effects the accuracy of pre-operative mapping f d minant perforator of DIEP flap.
Key words: Deep inferior epigas ic a e y perforator (DIEP) flap, Dominant perforator, Pre-operative
Doppler ultrasonography, Body mass index
Citation of article: Rabbani A, Khalid K. Effect of Body Mass Index on Accuracy of Doppler Ultrasonographic Detection of Dominant P rforator of Deep Inferior Epigastric Artery Perforator Flap. Med Forum 2016;27(2):21-24.