6. Anemia in Patients Suffering from Chronic Kidney Disease
Shamsuddin Shaikh1, Syed Qaiser Husain Naqvi1 and Jawaid Hussain Lighari2
Objective: To determine the frequency of anemia in patients suffering from chronic kidney disease.
Study Design: Cross sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Medicine, Peoples University of Medical and Health Sciences, Nawabshah, Sindh from January to, December 2016.
Materials and Methods: A total of 200 chronic kidney disease patients were selected by non-probability convenience sampling according to inclusion criteria chronic kidney disease for more than six months and age more than 20 years and exclusion criteria patients of blood disorders like Leukemia, lymphoma, hemorrhagic disorders, pregnancy and patients on NSAIDs . Detailed history and clinical examination was carried out. Patients were staged according to their glomerular filtration rate who has not received any treatment of anemia. Questionnaire was filled covering current treatment, weight, laboratory investigations including blood complete picture, blood urea, serum creatinine, estimated GFR, urine analysis. Data was entered and analyzed by SPSS software 21.0 version. The continuous variables were analyzed by student’s T-test. Categorical variables were analyzed by chi-square test considering 95% CI and 5% margin of error.
Results: Study results show Mean Standard Deviation (SD) of age as 45.5 ±7.5 years. Male patients comprised of 120 (60%) and female 80(40%). Mean and SD of creatinine clearance was noted as 40.6 ± 20.5 ml/1.73 m2. Maximum Chronic Kidney Disease of stage IV was present in 84 (42%). Stage V, III, II and I were noted in 50 (25%), 30 (15%), 24 (12%) and 12 (6%) respectively. Anemia was noted in 170 (85%) study subjects. Mean ±SD of Hemoglobin Distribution according to Staging of Chronic kidney disease revealed 9.16 ±2.06 mg/dl. Most common microcytic hypo-chromic anemia 122 (61%) Patients while normocytic normochromic and macrocytic hypo-chromic anemia was found in 40 (20%) and 8 (4%) of chronic kidney disease subjects respectively.
Conclusion: The research study results conclude that majority of patients of CKD were anemic. Most common type of anemia in CKD patients is microcytic and hypochromic anemia. It is necessary to manage these patients timely and appropriately as their survival chances can be increased.
Key Words: Anemia, Chronic kidney disease, Blood Urea, Serum creatinine levels.
Citation of articles: Shaikh S, Naqvi SQH, Lighari JH. Anemia in Patients Suffering from Chronic Kidney Disease. Med Forum 2018;29(9):22-26.