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  3. 5.Inter Observer Agreement on Klintrup Makinen Scoring System in Breast Carcinoma
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5.Inter Observer Agreement on Klintrup Makinen Scoring System in Breast Carcinoma

Amna Khalid


Objective: To find out the reliability of Klintrup Makinen Scoring System (KMSS) by assessment of inter observer agreement among pathologists.

Study Design: Experimental study

Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Institute of Pathology and Diagnostic Medicine (IPDM), Khyber Medical University (KMU). Duration: July 2022 to January 2023.

Materials and Methods: 100 slides were made from 50 specimens of breast cancer. These slides were scored for Klintrup Makinen score by five pathologists. Inter observer agreement between these five pathologists was find out using kappa statistics.

Results: The mean kappa value for the pathologists was 0.61 which was in considerable range. There was considerable inter observer agreement between the pathologists for KM scoring showing the reproducibility of this scoring system.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the KMSS scoring system can be used in clinical practice for detection of breast cancer prognosis.

Key Words: Breast Cancer; Tumor; Pathology; Histological Grade


Citation of article: Khalid A. Inter Observer Agreement on Klintrup Makinen Scoring System in Breast Carcinoma. Med Forum 2023;34(8):18-20.doi:10.60110/medforum.340805.